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Soul Retrieval Session

20% off healing plans are available when you buy 4 at a time.

1 h 30 min
170 US dollars

Service Description

6-15 sessions are required to complete the soul retrieval journey. A shamanic soul retrieval healing session, I am able to journey outside of linear time to go to the place where that traumatic event is still occurring for a person, locate that person’s life force, which is held in that energetic event, and restore it. When this has been carried out, the deep healing can truly begin. When a part of your soul is found, I work alongside your helping spirits to engage with the lost soul and invite it to come back home. At times, a lost soul may be cared for in the spirit world by an ancestor, power animal, or guardian. Sometimes a lost soul is near but needs help to return, I work alongside spirit helpers to negotiate its return to merge again back with your essence. I will return this vital essence to you by blowing it into your heart and the crown of your head. Rattling and other instruments are used at the end of soul retrieval to welcome the soul back home. There is time allowed during the session to then do a mutual sharing of what messages/ contract instructions etc. came through during your session as well as instructions to continue the work on your own in order for the new part to stay with you.

Contact Details

  • Maine, ME, USA

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